
Kindy maths centre Kindy Silent reading centre Kindy Silent reading centre

Kindergarten is the beginning of a child's formal years of schooling. These early years of schooling are extremely important as they help form the basic attitudes, skills and knowledge that children build upon as they journey through their school years.

At Theodore Primary School our Kindergarten students learn through developmentally approximate curriculm.  They explore, experiment and role play through involvement with new materials, ideas and interactions with others.  Our students learn to form relationships through strengthening social skills and have opportunities to mix with students of all ages in supported programs.

Teachers work to evaluate the skills and knowledge of each and every learner.  They build upon students' pre-existing knowledge, supporting them to form the basic building blocks of literacy and numeracy to become future readers, writers and mathematicians.

Feeling safe and secure while on the playground is of great importance to everyone at Theodore Primary School.  Kindergarten students are supported on the playground by teachers that are known to them.  At Theodore Primary School the junior playground is used by K-2 students and these students have access to their courtyard area.