Assessment & Reporting

The assessment of students enhances both teaching and student learning.  At Theodore Primary School we aim to support student learning by identifying student strengths and areas for development.

We provide opportunities for parents and carers to meet with teachers throughout the year. In addition we provide opportunities for 'getting to know you' interviews during Term 1. Written reports are provided to parents and carers at the end of each semester. At the end of each semester interviews are offered to parents to discuss the achievement of their child.

We enjoy celebrating student learning by showcasing student knowledge, skills and understandings that they have gained at the Learning Journeys during the end of Term 3.

The school participates in a range of appraisals, such as system assessments, PIPS for kindergarten students and NAPLAN for students in Years 3 and 5.

For further information regarding our reporting structure, please see the Reporting Policy.